Best Etsy SEO Tools To Boost Your Shop

Tags: Etsy, Seo, Tools, Listicles
14 January 2024

Etsy is getting increasingly competitive, so mastering Etsy keyword research and search engine optimization is a game-changer for any seller. With the right Etsy SEO tools, your products can go from unnoticed to unmissable.

This guide explores the top tools that are essential for implementing the best Etsy SEO practices.

Overview of Etsy SEO

Effective Etsy SEO is more than a one-time setup; it's an ongoing journey. Many sellers often focus too much on describing the specifics of their products in their titles, rather than considering the purpose and utility of the items.

By consistently applying SEO best practices, including strategic keyword placement and understanding search volume and competition analysis, you can significantly enhance your shop's visibility.


EtsyHunt is an invaluable free tool for Etsy keyword research, offering a vast database of products and shops, for analyzing market trends.

With its ability to provide insights into any Etsy shop's analytics, it's perfect for those looking to delve deeper into the marketplace dynamics. Pricing ranges from a free plan to a more comprehensive pro plan at $19.99/month.

Sale Samurai

Sale Samurai specializes in providing deep insights into search volume and competition analysis, making it a must-have tool for effective Etsy SEO.

It can help you enhance your product titles, descriptions, and product tags - through its comprehensive keyword suggestions. Starting at $9.99/month, it's a smart choice for boosting your shop's performance. They also offer a free trial.


eRank stands out for its affordability and its broad suite of features, which include detailed Etsy shop analytics and tools for optimizing Etsy tags. Furthermore, you can also watch your competitor's shops and plan your strategies accordingly.

It is free to start with eRank, while its paid plan prices begin at $5.99/month.

Advanced Etsy SEO Tools for Growing Your Business

As your Etsy shop evolves, so should your SEO strategies. Advanced tools not only aid in refining your listings but also offer in-depth insights into the broader market dynamics, essential for thriving your Print-on-Demand business.


Alura offers a comprehensive suite of features for managing an Etsy store, making it a powerhouse for Etsy shop analytics. They call themselves an all-in-one platform for Etsy sellers.

It's an excellent tool for sellers who need a holistic view of their shop's performance and features including - keyword finder, profitable products finder, and built-in email automation.

You can start using Alura for free or get one of the paid plans starting at $9.99/month (limited-time offer).


Everbee shines as a sophisticated tool for Etsy keyword research, particularly beneficial for analyzing search volume and competition.

Its Chrome extension provides real-time data, crucial for writing effective product titles and listing descriptions. Priced at $29.99/month for the Growth Plan, it's a worthwhile investment for sellers committed to advanced Etsy SEO tactics.


KeySearch is an all-in-one solution, offering extensive capabilities in Etsy shop analytics and Etsy keyword research. It is particularly useful for sellers who need detailed insights into search volume and competition analysis.

With pricing tiers ranging from $3.99 to $59.99/monthly, KeySearch caters to a wide range of SEO needs, making it a great tool for Etsy sellers.


Crest takes a unique approach by focusing on your own shop's data, providing valuable insights into sales patterns and customer preferences. This tool is particularly useful for sellers who want to fine-tune their Etsy tags and listing descriptions based on their own shop's performance data.

Crest's pricing starts at $12.99/month making it an attractive option for Etsy sellers seeking a personalized SEO experience.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How does Etsy Keyword Research impact my store's success?

Etsy keyword research plays a crucial role in the success of your store. By conducting thorough keyword research, you can identify the specific terms and phrases that potential customers are using to search for products on Etsy. By incorporating these keywords into your product titles, tags, and descriptions, you can optimize your listings to appear in relevant search results.

Effective keyword research allows you to:

  • Increase visibility
  • Drive targeted traffic
  • Outrank competitors
  • Improve conversion rates

What are some Etsy SEO Best Practices?

Here are some Etsy SEO best practices to optimize your store and improve your rankings in search results:

  • Conduct keyword research
  • Optimize product titles
  • Use relevant tags
  • Write descriptive product descriptions
  • Optimize image titles and alt text
  • Encourage customer reviews
  • Monitor and adjust

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, and it's important to stay up to date with changes in search algorithms and customer behavior. Continuously monitor and optimize your listings to maintain a competitive edge in the Etsy marketplace.

Can I use Etsy SEO tools for a Print-on-Demand Business?

Absolutely! SEO tools mentioned in this article are vital for optimizing a Print-on-Demand business on Etsy, ensuring your products stand out and are ranked higher than your competitors.

What's the role of Etsy Shop Analytics in SEO?

Etsy Shop Analytics plays a crucial role in SEO as it provides valuable insights and data that can help you optimize your listings and improve your shop's performance in search results.

Here are some ways Etsy Shop Analytics can support your SEO efforts:

  • Keyword performance
  • Listing performance
  • Identifying your traffic sources
  • Understanding customer behavior
  • Trend analysis and capitalizing on viral trends

Is it Worth Investing in Multiple Etsy SEO Tools?

Investing in multiple Etsy SEO tools can be beneficial if each tool offers unique features or capabilities that complement each other. However, it's important to consider the cost and value of each tool before making a decision.

Here are a few factors to consider when deciding whether to invest in multiple Etsy SEO tools:

  • Evaluate the features and functionality of each tool to determine if they offer different capabilities that can enhance your SEO efforts.
  • Consider the cost of each tool and whether the benefits they provide outweigh the investment.
  • Look for tools that can seamlessly work together to provide a comprehensive SEO solution for your Etsy shop.
  • Ultimately, the decision to invest in multiple Etsy SEO tools depends on your specific needs, budget, and the value you expect to gain from each tool.

Final Thoughts

The biggest SEO mistake made by Etsy sellers is focusing too much on describing the specifics of their products in their titles, rather than considering the purpose and utility of the items. By shifting their mindset to think like buyers and providing solutions through their SEO, sellers can improve their visibility in search results and attract more customers.

In the competitive Etsy marketplace, staying informed and utilizing the right SEO tools is essential for success. Whether you're running a Print-on-Demand business or a handmade crafts store, these top Etsy SEO tools are your secret weapon to thrive and flourish.

Further Resources We Recommend

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